Gmail Tip #26: Creating a Pseudo Address Group!

Gmail currently does not provide the facility to send emails to a Group or a List or email addresses. But thanks to an excellent tip submitted by “arianj”, we now have a very doable workaround! Read on to see how to set up a pseudo Group Contact…

Although Gmail doesn’t currently support Groups in your Contacts, you can simulate a Group list by doing the following:

1. Create a new Contact

2. In the “Name” field, enter the name of your Group (eg “My Friends”)

3. In the “E-mail” field, enter your list of email addresses in the following format:

[email protected]>,<[email protected]>,<[email protected]

Note three things:

1. You must enter “>,<” (without the quotes) between all addresses

2. Be sure NOT to include a leading “<" or trainling ">“. This is intentional, because during auto-complete, Gmail adds these characters to the beginning and end of the full string that is in the e-mail field.

3. Also, there should be no spaces in the string.

Again, thanks to “arianj” for submitting this tip!