Gmail Tip #43: Notes in Just Two Clicks!

“Tjeerd” from the Netherlands submitted a neat Gmail Tip that takes a
different yet very simple approach to creating and managing “Notes” in
your Gmail account. Notes are simply messages typically sent to
yourself to store useful information. Read on for a simple method of
creating Notes with just two button clicks…

In my Gmail Tip #3: How to Maintain “Notes”,
I described a rather elaborate, yet effective way to manage Notes in
your Gmail account. It’s elegant, but it requires some setup and prior
knowledge of Labels and Filters.

Tjeerd suggests an alternative method that leverages the “Draft Message” function:

Just click “Compose Mail” and create a message with no recipient.

If you want, you can include “Note” in the Subject. Use whatever organizational description you want.

Then, write your note, click the “Save Draft” button, and you now have a saved Note…in just two clicks!

Basically, you are just creating Draft messages, but the Draft feature
is typically very underutilized, so why not make it more useful?

Gmail already assigns a specific “View” to Drafts so they are easily
accessible. Draft messages are treated like any other message, so they
are completely searchable letting you can take full advantage of all of
Gmail’s great searching capabilities. Additioanlly, you can even apply
Labels to make managing even these Notes suitable to your needs!

Thanks to Tjeerd for the Tip!