Making My Petition

After talking with several Masons and doing lots of reading, I decided that I would like to join the ranks of the Freemasons. I talked with a Mason friend from church several times, and eventually he gave me a petition form to complete and return to him. It was an intriguing form with some interestingly worded questions, but everything seemed to be in order, so I completed the form and returned it to him. And that’s it! So now I wait patiently to learn the next steps.

He told me that my form would be presented to the Lodge, and that if the Lodge voted to consider my petition, then an investigating committee would be formed to meet with me. Hmmm…sounds ominous! But from what I’ve heard and read, it’s really just an opportunity for me to learn more about what’s to come, and for the members of the Lodge to decide whether or not they want to allow me to be part of their Lodge.

I’m guessing that it should be pretty straight forward, so I figure that if I just be myself and don’t try to impress, they’ll see me for who I really am and make decisions based on that.

This is my third article about my experience in Freemasonry.