Moxi Tip #13: Moxi FAQ Resource!

OK, this is not so much as tip as a plug. There are several great sites out there with information on the Moxi DVR. Read on for details on several I particularly like…


The SPL Moxi FAQ is a Web page that simply has it all. It’s a single, very, very long page spanning over 40 printed pages, but it’s crammed full of practically anything you could ever want to know concerning Moxi. If the information isn’t presented there, it either doesn’t exist, or there’s a link to find it. It is definitely a good read! is easy to remember, and it’s full of great answers, information, and opinions. provides a forum format to help answer frequently asked questions as well as voicing your opinions on numerous Moxi-related topics. It is frequented by at least one Digeo person, so check it out!