Moxi Tip #5: Throw some food at your TV!

This tip is based on findings by “Dyaus” and confirmed by “GlendaleHDTV” over at the AVS Forum. There is a hidden “Easter Egg” that displays various food items that you can move around and “throw” at the screen causing a messy splat! Read on to see how to digitally throw food at your TV screen…

First, go into the Moxi menu by pressing the Moxi button.

Now, press back, next, back, next, back, next in succession, and you will see a piece of “food” in the center of the screen.

The arrow buttons will move the item around the screen.

The Next and Back buttons will cycle through different kinds of food.

Pressing the “OK” button “throws” the food at the screen causing a nice splat.

The “Clear” button will clear the mess on the screen.

Pressing the Moxi button will dismiss the food…

My recommendation is that you do not throw actual food at the screen…