T3 Tip #3: Tap-And-Hold Define Silk Buttons

The Tungsten T3 has several User Interface “enhancements” that aren’t always apparant. One great example has to do with the “Virtual Graffiti” or “Digital Input Area” (DIA). Learn how to customize the “Silk Buttons”!

When the Virtual Graffiti area is displayed, by default, there are four “buttons” surrounding the Graffiti entry area: (going counter-clockwise) Applications, Documents-to-go, Photos, and VersaMail. Tapping on these “buttons” will launch the associated applicaiton. But, did you know that if you Tap-And-Hold any of the buttons, a pop-up list of launchable applications will display? Select any one of the listed applications, and the icon will change to that application. Tapping on the new icon will launch the newly-assigned application! You can customize it to YOUR preferences!