Welcome to MasonicTips.com!

(1 minute read)

I added this Masonic Tips section to my JimsTips.com site to provide you with a glimpse of my ongoing journey in Freemasonry. There are varied views of Freemasonry, so my approach was with an open mind. What I found is an amazing organization that fosters brotherly love, fellowship, and virtue built upon the foundation of belief in God.

This is a blog of my Masonic journey, some informational articles, and some articles intended to provide objective responses to some recurring myths surrounding Freemasonry.

I am currently the Senior Warden of Divver Lodge #349, Eminent Commander of Anderson Commandery #11, Tyler of the S.A. Banister AMD Council, and I was elected Vice President of the Spring 2010 Class of the Greenville Valley of the Scottish Rite. My involvement in Freemasonry is under the authority of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina.


The images above represent the several Masonic organizations in which I am involved. They are from left to right: the Blue lodge, Royal Arch Chapter, Cryptic Council, Chivalric Commandery (Knight Templar), the Allied Masonic Degrees (AMD), the York Rite Sovereign College, the Scottish Rite (Southern Jurisdiction), and the Knight Masons.